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60 Vibrants

In 2011 Terry Ludwig Pastels moved into a new arena of color.  We went bold with our 60 Vibrants set.  Using new pigments, our team created this set filled with robust colors.

A051 R351 R281 R245 R286 R271 R251 R241 V331 R243 R261 V415
A052 R352 R282 R246 R287 R272 R252 R242 V332 R244 R262 V416
A053 R353 R283 R247 R288 R273 R253 V341 V333 V344 R263 V417
A054 R354 R284 R248 R289 R274 R254 V342 V334 V345 R264 V418
A055 R355 R285 R249 R382 R275 R255 V343 V335 V346 R265 V419

View Printable Index

Collections: Oranges, Reds, Sets, Violets

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