About Us

Geoff Ludwig, is the President, Owner and Manager of Terry Ludwig Pastels. Terry's son, Geoff is now at the helm of Terry Ludwig Pastels. Geoff is not a stranger to the art world. In addition to growing up with an artist father, Geoff is a seasoned jeweler having worked 27 years in the industry. His credits range from working for mom and pop businesses to creating designs for internationally known jewelers. Geoff was trained at Texas Institute of Jewelry Technology in Paris, Texas. Geoff’s eye for color and design have given him the skills and ability needed to continue to provide quality, unique handmade pastels to the world.

Terry Ludwig, is an internationally known artist and instructor. Terry studied under William Mosby and Joseph Vanden Broucke at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Thanks to his education in the skills of fine art, Terry is an expert on color and color mixing. In 2005 Terry Ludwig Pastels, LLC was born giving Terry the opportunity to use his talent for creating color. After many successful years, Terry retired in 2016 and passed on ownership of the business to his son, Geoff.

Dena Zappa Ludwig, joined the Terry Ludwig Pastels team in 2018. After several years in the law enforcement field as a Records Technician and past experience in sales, distribution, and management arenas, Dena is now lending her expertise to continue to bring the excellence of fine pastels and great customer service to the business. Her office and management skills complement Geoff's artistic abilities at Terry Ludwig Pastels.